I trained almost 17 years ago … how time flies, it feels like only yesterday! I didn’t really know what I wanted to do when I left school, but what I did know was I loved everything creative, so decided on an Art Foundation year at what was known then as University College Northampton. And I LOVED absolutely every minute of it!

I then started a degree at an art school near Wales, but I left within the year as the course wasn’t for me and with my tail between my legs came home and got a job sharpish. But it wasn’t long before the passion for doing something creative was too strong and my job as an estate agent just didn’t cut it. One evening on a whim I enrolled on a full time Floristry course at Moulton college the day before term started, so left my job overnight and started college the next morning!
And what do they say the rest is history …. Well not quite. I spent two years at Moulton and got a job in a local florist, when I left college I set up my own business as a wedding florist and was lucky enough to do some amazing weddings at Woburn Abbey and other fantastic establishments. I then decided to complete my Level 4 Floristry in Stafford part time and it was also at this time I was offered a job at Moulton College to come back and teach in their Floristry department, so also enrolled on a PGCE. To say that was a busy year is an understatement however it was also one of the most enjoyable years of my life. Sharing my knowledge and passion for the subject with others was absolutely wonderful.

So, I suppose the rest really is history …. When thinking about highlights of my career as a Florist, I think the main is being in the finals at The Chelsea Flower Show one year. Exhibiting there among horticultural greats was incredible!
Setting up the Floristry school at Flore House has been a big highlight of last year and although Covid meant some workshops were cancelled we were lucky enough to be able to run our Christmas Wreath workshops and also our Vases, jars and bouquets workshop. I have so many ideas for what next year will hold and can’t wait to get started ….
Stay safe,
